The Honours BSc Neuroscience program is intended for undergraduate students who are interested in pursuing a career in neuroscience research. The program is jointly administered by the departments of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour (PNB) and Biology. The interdisciplinary nature of neuroscience supplies students with critical skills and knowledge in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and computer science. In addition, the neuroscience program provides students with the fundamentals of three areas of neuroscience: molecular/cellular, systems/circuits, and behavioural/cognitive neuroscience. Students learn creative approaches and skills in the evaluation of neuroscience literature, along with the ability to generate scientific judgements and hypotheses.
Why Choose Neuroscience?
Neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field that provides students with the fundamentals of multiple concepts in science. The neuroscience program gives students the unique chance to interact with neuroscience professors and graduate students. In the second year Neuroscience Tutorial (NEUROSCI 2XN0), neuroscience students have the opportunity to meet several neuroscience professors and become familiar with their research. Students also have the opportunity to apply to join professors’ research laboratories, starting as soon as second year.
Neuroscience supplies students with a strong, interdisciplinary background in science, and prepares students for many career opportunities/pathways. Several career choices include research, biotechnology, science education or communication, data analysis, government, and law.
The Neuroscience program has the unique feature of strong cohort support and cohesiveness among the students. Averaging approximately 25 students each year, students are able to benefit from cohort support in neuroscience courses each year: the level II Neuroscience Tutorial (NEUROSCI 2XN0), the level III Neural Circuits (NEUROSCI 3SN3) and Neuroscience Lab (NEUROSCI 3E03), and the level IV Neuroscience Seminar (NEUROSCI 4S03). In addition, cohesiveness among the students build throughout academic and social events run by the McMaster Neuroscience Society, notably the mentorship program.
Sample Time Table (2nd Year)
Required courses (levels II – IV)
Admission into this program is limited, and dependent on first year GPA and completion of first-year pre-requisites. The first-year requirements are: Biology 1A03 and 1M03, Chemistry 1A03 and 1AA3, Physics 1A03 or 1C03, Psych 1XX3, Math 1A03 or 1LS3, and one of Math 1AA3, 1LT3, 1MP3, 1B03, CompSci 1MD3.
Please refer to the following Academic Calendar for more information: https://academiccalendars.romcmaster.ca/preview_program.php?catoid=41&poid=22190.
More Information
For more information about the Honours Neuroscience program, please see the website created by our Program Director, Dr. Goldreich: